The Carly Heart Trust Mission
We feel that it is important that all schools should have lifesaving defibrillators available at all times.
Defibrillators combined with trained CPR within 3-5 minutes increase the survival rate from 6% to 74%, currently 270 children die every year at school from sudden cardiac arrest, approximately 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests happen every year and Without immediate treatment, 90-95% of Sudden Cardiac Arrest victims will die.
12 people under the age of 35 die every week due to sudden cardiac arrest in the UK. This is why we believe our mission is so important within communities.

First Aid Training
We aim to get as many people first aid trained as possible, especially parents and people working within establishments with a high volume of people.
We are very lucky to have Darija on board with us to train anybody who is willing to learn first aid. Without Darija’s training Carly would have died as she trained the people that save her life, her cousins David and Peter Copper and family friend Susan Wheeler.
For more details on first aid training courses please contact Jodie Williams on jodie@carlyhearttrust.com